DRAFT Basic Assessment Report: Proposed Residential Dwelling and Guest Accommodation Units on Erf 301 Hoekwil, Wilderness, Western Cape.

Project Proposal: The development of a 3-bedroom single residential dwelling with garage, access driveway, six (6) small guest units called “Pods”, and guest parking. The total development footprint is 1566m2 with a total coverage of 3.9%. Pods will each comprise a single bedroom, along with supplementary living amenities and adjoining bathroom.

Location: Erf 301 Hoekwil (Wilderness Heights), Wilderness in the George Municipal Area of the Western Cape. The GPS coordinates to the property is 33°59’28.81"S, 22°33’36.17”E.

Erf 301 Hoekwil
Draft BAR for ERF 301 Hoekwil Wilderness 13.11.2024.pdf
Appendix A1 Locality Map.pdf
Appendix A2 Coastal Risk Zones.pdf
Appendix B1 SDP Alternative Layout.pdf
Appendix B1 SDP Preferred Layout.pdf
Appendix B2 Environmental Sensitivity Mapping.pdf
Appendix B3 Plans and Sections.pdf
Appendix C Site Photographs.pdf
Appendix D Biodiversity Overlay Maps.pdf
Appendix E1 HWC Final Comments.pdf
Appendix E2 CapeNature.pdf
Appendix E3 BOCMA.pdf
Appendix E14 CMU.pdf
Appendix E22 SCFPA.pdf
Appendix F Comments and Response Report.pdf
Appendix G1 Aquatic Compliance Statement.pdf
Appendix G2 Botanical Terrestrial Assessment.pdf
Appendix G3 Fauna Assessment.pdf
Appendix G4 Agriculture Compliance Statement.pdf
Appendix G5 Land Use Planning Report.pdf
Appendix G6 Civil Engineering Services.pdf
Appendix G7 Visual Impact Assessment Report.pdf
Appendix G8 Civil Aviation Compliance Statement.pdf
Appendix G9 Geotechnical Report.pdf
Appendix H DRAFT EMPr.pdf
Appendix I1 Screening Tool Report.pdf
Appendix I2 Site Sensitivity Verification Report.pdf
Appendix J Impact Assessement Table.pdf
Appendix K Need and Desirability.pdf
End Date

Public participation survey