DRAFT Basic Assessment Report: Proposed Residential Dwelling and Guest Accommodation Units on Erf 301 Hoekwil, Wilderness, Western Cape.
Erf 301 Hoekwil is a vacant smallholding of 3.92ha in extent, located in Hoekwil (Wilderness Heights). The property overlooks the Touw River and Ebb & Flow Rest Camp (Garden Route National Park) to the east, and the Village of Wilderness to the west. Access to the property is from Whites Road leading from the Village around the Wilderness Heights area with a circular route from the west to east and again reaching Heights Road in the west. The section of Whites Road passing Erf 301 Hoekwil is a provincial road, Divisional Road 1621.
Project Proposal: The development of a 3-bedroom single residential dwelling with garage, access driveway, six (6) small guest units called “Pods”, and guest parking. The total development footprint is 1566m2 with a total coverage of 3.9%. Pods will each comprise a single bedroom, along with supplementary living amenities and adjoining bathroom.
Location: Erf 301 Hoekwil (Wilderness Heights), Wilderness in the George Municipal Area of the Western Cape. The GPS coordinates to the property is 33°59’28.81"S, 22°33’36.17”E.