Draft Basic Assessment Report: Proposed Medium to High Density Residential Development on RE/ERF 2074, Marine Way, Bitou Local Municipality
Draft Basic Assessment Report: Proposed Medium to High Density Residential Development on RE/ERF 2074, Marine Way, Bitou Local Municipality
A medium to high density residential development is proposed on RE / Erf 2074. The site is approximately 6.25 hectares (ha) in extent and located immediately south of Marine Way within the Bitou Local Municipality in the Western Cape Province.
RE / Erf 2074 (Erf 2074) is situated within the urban edge of the Plettenberg town settlement,
immediately south of Marine Way within the Bitou Local Municipality in the Western Cape Province. The approximate central coordinates of the site: 34° 3.209'S; 23° 21.621'E