Draft BAR: Proposed Residential Dwelling & Associated Infrastructure on Erf 2924, Welbedacht, Knysna, Western Cape

Project Proposal: Development of a primary dwelling and associated infrastructure. Where the property is approximately 25 093 m2, and 3 924 m2 will be disturbed. Amounting to a percentage of 16 % total disturbance.

Location: Erf 2924 Knysna, falls under jurisdiction of the Knysna Municipality of the Western Cape. The GPS coordinates to the property is 34° 02΄05.64˝S / 23° 00΄47.44˝E

DFFE Reference Number: 14/12/16/3/3/1/3096

Erf 2924 Knysna
2025.02.13 Draft Basic Assessment Application Phase .pdf
Appendix A Locality Map.pdf
Appendix B1 2024 07 02 Huis van Niekerk Council Submission Site development Plan.pdf
Appendix B2 C Users UPlans SDP.pdf
Appendix C Environmental Concideration Maps .pdf
Appendix D2 Knysna erf 7594 2924 2925 Fauna Assessment.pdf
Appendix D3 Knysna 7594 2924 and 2925 Aquatic Compliance.pdf
Appendix E 2024.02.02 Siite sensetiity verification report 2924 Version 3.pdf
Appendix F 2025.02.14 DRAFT EMPr Application phase.pdf
Appendix H JJ Marshall CV 2024.pdf
Appendix H1 CV Justin Brittion July 2024.pdf
Appendix J First Round PPP Comments Response Erf 2924.pdf
Applicant Declaration form Erf 2924.pdf
EAP Declaration Signed.pdf
Newspaper advert Erf 2924.pdf
End Date

Public participation survey