The Proposed Residential Development and Associated Infrastructure on a Portion of Erf 155, Keurboomstrand, Plettenberg Bay
The proposal is to subdivide and rezone RE/155 from Open Space Zone II (private open space) to Residential Zone II to enable the development of private grouped dwelling houses on the eastern portion of RE/155. Approximately 3 250m² of the 5 000m² subject site is earmarked for development. The property remains vacant and untransformed.
The preferred development proposal entails the construction of three (3) single-storey residential units and a shared swimming pool. The units are to be positioned as to have minimal visual effect, mainly to passers-by on the MR394 (main route in and out of Keurboomstrand). For this reason, a 35m scenic route setback has been put in place for this development. The units will incorporate low-pitched roofing and earth-toned colours. In addition, botanical sensitive areas have been marked as no-go areas and provided a 5m buffer from the proposed development.
Please refer to the attached Background Information Document (BID) for further information.