Draft Basic Assessment Report: Proposed Expansion of Development Footprint on Residential Erf 1220, St Francis Bay, Kouga Local Municipality
A residential house is in place on Erf 1220 located at 63 Esmaralda Road, St Francis Bay. Erf 1220 is approximately 1192 m2 in extent and falls within 100 meters of the high-water mark of the sea. The footprint of the existing infrastructure on the property is approximately 400m2; the owner is proposing to extend the development footprint on the Erf by approximately 170m2. The proposed development triggers activities included in Listing Notice 1 of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations, 2014 (as amended, 2017) published in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998) and therefore an Environmental authorisation to be issued by the Eastern Cape Department of Economic development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) prior to commencement of construction. The Environmental Authorisation process requires a basic assessment to be carried out.
The draft basic assessment report will be distributed to all registered interested and affected parties for a 30-day review and comment period. The report will then be updated with all comments received and responses to the comments and the final basic assessment report will be submitted to the DEDEAT for decision making (107 days).
Erf 1220 located at 63 Esmaralda Road, St Francis Bay in Kouga Local Municipality, Eastern cape. The property falls within 100 meters of the high-water mark of the sea. The approximate central coordinates of the site: 34° 10.632'S; 24° 50.476'E
Overview of proposed project
The following renovations are proposed:
NE section of house (Ocean side)
- Pool
- Decking area
North extension
- Proposed balcony, new chimney flute
NW extension house (facing road)
- Addition (new chimney, flat roof with flat roof overflow, balcony)
NW (facing road)
- Garage and storage area
- Pedestrian Gate
- Paved driveway
Some sections of the existing building will be raised to a maximum height of 8.5 meters as included in the KLM architectural guidelines (Notice_1238_1113) (Included in Appendix C – Designs)
Eskom electricity is currently supplied to the house, 16 solar panels with lithium batteries are in place to augment electricity supply . Additional rainwater tanks will be installed. An existing soak-away septic tank is in place. Glazing and aluminium are proposed for the windows and door to assist with energy efficiency and withstanding coastal elements.
Based on the small development footprint (approximately 173m2) the construction phase is expected to take a maximum of 12 months to complete.